React useDebugValue Hook

React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. One of the many hooks available in React is the useDebugValue hook. The useDebugValue hook is not commonly used, but it is an incredibly useful tool for debugging React applications. In this tutorial, we’ll dive into what the useDebugValue hook is, how it works, and how you can use it to improve your React debugging experience.

What is the useDebugValue hook?

The useDebugValue hook is a built-in hook in React that allows you to display custom debugging information in React DevTools. React DevTools is a browser extension that allows developers to inspect and debug React applications. It provides a wealth of information about your components, including their state and props. However, sometimes this information is not enough, and you need to display additional information about your components. This is where the useDebugValue hook comes in.

The useDebugValue hook takes a value as an argument and displays that value in React DevTools. The value can be any JavaScript value, such as a string, number, or object. This can be useful when you want to display additional information about a component not available in its state or props.

How does the useDebugValue hook work?

The useDebugValue hook takes a value as an argument and displays that value in React DevTools. Here’s an example of how you can use the useDebugValue hook:

import { useDebugValue, useState } from 'react';

function useCustomHook(initialValue) {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);

  function handleChange(newValue) {

  return [value, handleChange];

In this example, we’re using the useDebugValue hook to display the value of our state variable in React DevTools. We’re also returning a handleChange function that allows us to update the value of our state variable.

When we inspect our component in React DevTools, we’ll see the value of our state variable displayed under the component name.

This can be incredibly useful when debugging complex components. By displaying additional information about a component, you can quickly identify the cause of any issues or bugs.

When should you use the useDebugValue hook?

The useDebugValue hook is most useful when working with complex components with many states or props. When you’re debugging these components, it can be challenging to identify the cause of any issues or bugs. Using the useDebugValue hook, you can display additional information about your component that is unavailable in its state or props. This can help you quickly identify the cause of any issues or bugs and save you a lot of time.

Here are some examples of when you might want to use the useDebugValue hook:

  • Displaying the result of a complex calculation that is used in your component
  • Displaying the number of times a function has been called in your component
  • Displaying the current index of a loop in your component

In general, the useDebugValue hook is most useful when you need to display additional information about your component that is not available in its state or props.


The useDebugValue hook is a useful tool that allows you to display custom debugging information in React DevTools. By displaying additional information about your component, you can quickly identify the cause of any issues or bugs and save yourself a lot of time. While the useDebugValue hook is not commonly used in React applications, it can be handy when working with complex components. When used correctly, it can improve your React debugging experience and make it easier to identify and fix issues in your code.

As with any tool, it’s essential to use the useDebugValue hook appropriately. You don’t want to clutter your components with too much debugging information, as this can make finding the information you need more challenging. Instead, focus on displaying the essential information about your component to help you identify and fix any issues.

In summary, the useDebugValue hook is a powerful tool that can help you debug complex React components. By displaying additional information about your components in React DevTools, you can quickly identify the cause of any issues or bugs and save yourself a lot of time. If you’re working with complex components, it’s definitely worth considering using the useDebugValue hook to improve your debugging experience.

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